Given the growing importance of sustainability, especially in providing a possible solution to current ecological, social, and economic issues, it is time for marketing to reflect on its role in perpetuating unsustainability and its role in establishing a sustainable society. My research focuses on questioning the status quo, helping businesses to produce more sustainable products and create change, and advocating for alternative, ethical and sustainable consumption.
Topics include:
- Philosophy and theory of marketing and sustainability
- Brand activism (brands taking a stance on socio-political issues)
- Food waste
- Advertising for sustainable products
- The sharing economy
Associated publications:
Topics include:
- Philosophy and theory of marketing and sustainability
- Brand activism (brands taking a stance on socio-political issues)
- Food waste
- Advertising for sustainable products
- The sharing economy
Associated publications:
- Fehrer, J., Kemper, J.A. & Baker, J. (2023). Shaping circular service ecosystem. Journal of Service Research. Download via ResearchGate -
- Soltani, M., Veer, E., de Vries, H. & Kemper, J.A. (2023). “Did You See What Happened?” How scandals are shared via social media. Corporate Reputation Review.
- Kapitan, S. & Kemper, J.A. Vredenburg, J. & Spry, A. (2022). Strategic B2B brand activism: Building conscientious purpose for social impact. Industrial Marketing Management, 107, 14-28.
- Septianto, F., Kemper, J.A., Kown, J., Li, S. & Pham, H. (2022). The impact of social media visual features on acceptance of meat substitute. International Journal of Market Research.
- Spry, A., Figueiredo B., Gurrieri, L., Kapitan S., Kemper, J.A. & Vredenburg, J. [equal contribution] (2021). Transformative branding: A dynamic capability to challenge the dominant social paradigm. Journal of Macromarketing.
- Septianto, F., Kemper, J.A., Northey, G. (2021). Slogans with negations' effect on sustainable luxury brand. Australasian Journal of Marketing.
- Lang, B., Kemper, J.A., Dolan, R. & Northey, G. (2021). Why do consumers become providers? Self-determination in the sharing economy. Journal of Service Theory and Practice.
- Helm, S., Kemper, J.A. & White, S. [equal contribution] (2021). “No kids, no future – no future, no kids?” An exploration of motivations to remain childless in times of climate change. Population and Environment..
- Septianto, F., Thai, N.T. & Kemper, J.A. (2021). How lay beliefs about the world encourage sustainable tourism. Australasian Marketing Journal. doi: 10.1177/1839334921999476.
- Septianto, F., Kemper, J.A., Tjiptono, F. & Paramita, W. (2021).The role of authentic (vs. hubristic) pride in leveraging the effectiveness of cost transparency. Journal of Business Ethics. 174(2), 423-439. Journal of Business Ethics.
- Vredenburg, J., Kapitan, S. Spry, A., & Kemper, J.A. [equal contribution] (2020). Brands taking a stand: Authentic brand activism or woke washing? Journal of Public Policy and Marketing.
- Septianto, F., Kemper, J.A. & Chiew, T.M. (2020). The interactive effects of emotions and numerical information in increasing consumer support to conservation efforts. Journal of Business Research, 110, 445-455.
- Kennedy, A-M., McGouran C. & Kemper, J.A. (2020). Alternative paradigms for sustainability: A relational worldview. European Journal of Marketing,
- Lang, B., Dolan, R., Kemper, J.A. & Northey, G. (2020). Prosumers in times of crisis: Definition, archetypes and implications. Journal of Service Management. Forthcoming.
- Lang, B., Botha, E., Robertson, J., Kemper, J.A., Dolan, R., Kietzmann, J. (2020). How to grow the sharing economy? Create prosumers!. Australasian Marketing Journal. Forthcoming.
- Septianto, F., Kemper, J., & Paramita, W. (2019). The role of imagery in promoting organic food. Journal of Business Research, 101, 104-115.
- Kemper, J.A. & Ballantine, P.W. (2019). What do we mean by sustainability marketing? Journal of Marketing Management, 35, 3-4, 277-309.
- Kemper, J.A., Hall, C.M. & Ballantine, P.W. (2019). Marketing and sustainability: Business as usual or changing worldviews? Sustainability, 11(3), 780.
- Hoek, J., Gendall, P., Eckert, C., Kemper, J. & Louviere, J. (2016). Effects of brand variants on smokers’ choice behaviours and risk perceptions. Tobacco Control, 25(2), 160-165.
- Little, V., Helm, S. & Kemper, J.A. (2020). Rearranging deck chairs or righting the course? exploring the role of marketers in climate change adaptation. 2020 Winter Academic Conference
- Spry, A., Figueiredo B., Gurrieri, L., Kapitan S., Kemper, J.A. & Vredenburg, J. (2020). Special Session in Sustainability: marketing for good. Transformative brands: Change agents for a better world.
- Vredenburg, J., Kapitan, S, Spry, A. & Kemper, J. (2019). Brands Taking a Stand: Authentic Brand Activism or Woke Washing? Oxford Reputation Symposium (invited special session).
- Little, V., Helm, S., Kemper, J.A. & Kennedy, A-M. (2019). Live on Mars or fix our climate?. 2019 ANZMAC Conference.
- Lang, B., Kemper, J., Dolan, R., Andonopoulos, V. & Northey, G. (2019). Split personalities: Why AirBnb guests become AirBnB hosts. 2019 ANZMAC Conference.
- Septianto, F., Kemper, J., Northey, G., & van Esch, P. (2019). Let us give thanks: how gratitude and message framing can reduce food waste. 2019 ANZMAC Conference.
- Vredenburg, J., Spry, A., Kemper, J & Kapitan, S. (2019). A brands involvement in socio-political issues: Seeking positive social change or jumping on the bandwagon? 44th Annual Macromarketing Conference.
- Vredenburg, J., Kapitan, S, Spry, A. & Kemper, J. (2019). Police brutality and running shoes: Authentic corporate social activism or woke-washing? AMS Annual Conference.
- Kennedy, A-M., McGouran C. & Kemper, J.A. (2018). Bridging paradigms for sustainability: Propositions for a relational paradigm based on indigenous belief systems. 43rd Annual Macromarketing Conference.
- Kemper, J.A. & Ballantine, P.W. (2017). Brand activism in the age of resistance: What does it mean? Working paper. The 2017 North American Conference of ACR.
- Wooliscroft, B., Ganglmair-Wooliscroft, A., Kemper, J.A., Peterson, M., Kennedy, A-M. & Prothero, A. (2017). Macromarketing saving the world: Special Session. Academy of Marketing Science 20th World Marketing Congress.
- Kemper, J.A. & Ballantine, P.W. (2016). What do we mean by "Sustainability Marketing"? An analysis of the concept. Academy of Marketing Science 19th World Marketing Congress Proceedings, p. 370.
- Hoek, J., Gendall, P., Eckert, C., Kemper, J. & Louviere, J. (2014). Effects of brand variants on smokers’ choice behaviours and risk perceptions. Proceedings of the 2014 ANZMAC Conference, p. 185.
- Hoek, J., Gendall, P., & Kemper, J. (2014). How do brand variant names affect perceptions of risk and quitting ease? Proceedings of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) 20th Annual Meeting, p. 81.
- Vredenburg, J., Spry, A., Kemper, J & Kapitan, S. (February 1, 2019). The Conversation. Post Gillette: other brands are better at matching practice with talk, but don’t get the publicity.
- Vredenburg, J., Spry, A., Kemper, J & Kapitan, S. (December 5, 2018). The Conversation. Woke washing: what happens when marketing communications don't match corporate practice.
- Kemper, J. (September 10, 2018). Getting rid of fake "greening". The Herald.
- Kemper, J. (August 10, 2018). Don’t greenwash our consumption crisis. Newsroom.
- Kemper, J. (August, 2018). Consuming our way out of the problem: Greenwashing thinking and its flaws. Maramatanga UniNEWS.