2023-2028: Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment Endeavour Fund (Programme), ($8.9), “Adaptable phage solutions: an Aotearoa-NZ platform for precision biocontrol for primary industries” key individual with Heather Hendrickson (PI) and Peter Fineran (PI)
2023-2028: Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment Endeavour Fund (Programme), ($9.8m),
“Waste to treasure: using novel chemistry to valorise residual plant materials”, key researcher with Paul Kilmartin (PI)
2022-2027: Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment Endeavour Fund (Programme) ($11.7m), “Circular economy for plastics”, key individual with Johan Verbeek (PI), Simon Bickerton (PI), Julia Fehrer (PI) and Deb Polson (PI)
2022-2023: OECD Co-operative Research Programme: Sustainable Agricultural and Food Systems Fellowship (5 month research visit on food waste to Wageningen University & Research) (OECD countries fund)
2022: UoA Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund ($60,000) for “Step inside: Can an immersive virtual or augmented reality retail space be used to measure consumer decision-making in response to public health interventions?” Associated Researcher (PIs: Fernando Beltran, Manfredo Manfredini, Natalie Walker, Bodo Lang, Cliona Ni Mhurchu) (University level fund)
2021-2024: Health Research Council Project ($1.2 million) for “Effectiveness of alcohol warning labels: Research to reduce alcohol -related harm”. AI with Natalie Walker as PI (AIs: Bodo Lang, Cliona Ni Mhurchu, Yannan Jiang, Jessica McCormack, Anna Rolleston) (Prestigious external fund)
2021: Food and Health Programme & Uniservices Seed Funding ($5,000) for “Towards a natural health products and medicines use survey for New Zealand: pilot testing a unique questionnaire in a market research panel study”. AI with Joanne Barnes as PI, Lee E Lyn, Jeff Harrison as Ais (Faculty level)
2021-2022: Summer Research Scholarships (Faculty of Business) for “Understanding the zero-waste consumer: How do people make only a jar of rubbish a year?”
2021: UoA Food and Health Programme Funding ($10,000) for the project “Promoting healthier food portions with the application of Augmented Reality” AI with Rajshri Roy (PI) and Alex Shaw (AI) (University level fund)
2021: University of Otago Commerce Research Grant ($3,572) for “From healthy eating to pleasurable eating: Designing healthy food journeys for the young consumer” AI with Euejung Hwang (PI), Megan Phillips (AI) and Marian Makkar (AI) (University of Otago University level fund)
2021: Worldwide Universities Network RDF (£9,992/$19,723) for the project “Exploring the changes in sustainable and healthy food practices in response to COVID-19” PI with Ariadne Kapetanaki, Fiona Spotswood, Rajshri Roy, Ilaisaane Fifita as Ais (External fund)
2019: Invitation and grant to attend International Bioeconomy Forum “ICT in Precision Food Systems” International Technical Meeting (Brussels, 18-20 Sept) as an MBIE NZ representative (External grant)
2019: International Central Networks and Partnerships Grant ($7,381) to travel to partnership universities (University of Edinburgh, Bristol, Amsterdam and Birmingham) as PI (University level fund)
2019: UoA Food and Health Programme Funding ($4,000) for the project “Relational body mapping: sensory understandings of omnivorous bodies in relation to their environment” AI with Dr Emma Sharp (PI) (University level fund)
2018: UoA Food and Health Programme Funding ($7,500) for the project “Pilot testing short videos addressing barriers to cooking with vegetables in young adults” AI with Dr Rajshri Roy (PI) (University level fund)
2018: UoA FRDF Funding ($12,000) for the project "Sustainable and healthy eating: Food for a better tomorrow" (PI) (Faculty level fund)
2018: UoA SEED Grants for innovation in teaching ($5,000) for the project "Badges in higher education: Worthwhile intrinsic or extrinsic motivation" PI with Dr Felix Septianto and Dr Gavin Northey (University level fund)
2023-2028: Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment Endeavour Fund (Programme), ($8.9), “Adaptable phage solutions: an Aotearoa-NZ platform for precision biocontrol for primary industries” key individual with Heather Hendrickson (PI) and Peter Fineran (PI)
2023-2028: Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment Endeavour Fund (Programme), ($9.8m),
“Waste to treasure: using novel chemistry to valorise residual plant materials”, key researcher with Paul Kilmartin (PI)
2022-2027: Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment Endeavour Fund (Programme) ($11.7m), “Circular economy for plastics”, key individual with Johan Verbeek (PI), Simon Bickerton (PI), Julia Fehrer (PI) and Deb Polson (PI)
2022-2023: OECD Co-operative Research Programme: Sustainable Agricultural and Food Systems Fellowship (5 month research visit on food waste to Wageningen University & Research) (OECD countries fund)
2022: UoA Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund ($60,000) for “Step inside: Can an immersive virtual or augmented reality retail space be used to measure consumer decision-making in response to public health interventions?” Associated Researcher (PIs: Fernando Beltran, Manfredo Manfredini, Natalie Walker, Bodo Lang, Cliona Ni Mhurchu) (University level fund)
2021-2024: Health Research Council Project ($1.2 million) for “Effectiveness of alcohol warning labels: Research to reduce alcohol -related harm”. AI with Natalie Walker as PI (AIs: Bodo Lang, Cliona Ni Mhurchu, Yannan Jiang, Jessica McCormack, Anna Rolleston) (Prestigious external fund)
2021: Food and Health Programme & Uniservices Seed Funding ($5,000) for “Towards a natural health products and medicines use survey for New Zealand: pilot testing a unique questionnaire in a market research panel study”. AI with Joanne Barnes as PI, Lee E Lyn, Jeff Harrison as Ais (Faculty level)
2021-2022: Summer Research Scholarships (Faculty of Business) for “Understanding the zero-waste consumer: How do people make only a jar of rubbish a year?”
2021: UoA Food and Health Programme Funding ($10,000) for the project “Promoting healthier food portions with the application of Augmented Reality” AI with Rajshri Roy (PI) and Alex Shaw (AI) (University level fund)
2021: University of Otago Commerce Research Grant ($3,572) for “From healthy eating to pleasurable eating: Designing healthy food journeys for the young consumer” AI with Euejung Hwang (PI), Megan Phillips (AI) and Marian Makkar (AI) (University of Otago University level fund)
2021: Worldwide Universities Network RDF (£9,992/$19,723) for the project “Exploring the changes in sustainable and healthy food practices in response to COVID-19” PI with Ariadne Kapetanaki, Fiona Spotswood, Rajshri Roy, Ilaisaane Fifita as Ais (External fund)
2019: Invitation and grant to attend International Bioeconomy Forum “ICT in Precision Food Systems” International Technical Meeting (Brussels, 18-20 Sept) as an MBIE NZ representative (External grant)
2019: International Central Networks and Partnerships Grant ($7,381) to travel to partnership universities (University of Edinburgh, Bristol, Amsterdam and Birmingham) as PI (University level fund)
2019: UoA Food and Health Programme Funding ($4,000) for the project “Relational body mapping: sensory understandings of omnivorous bodies in relation to their environment” AI with Dr Emma Sharp (PI) (University level fund)
2018: UoA Food and Health Programme Funding ($7,500) for the project “Pilot testing short videos addressing barriers to cooking with vegetables in young adults” AI with Dr Rajshri Roy (PI) (University level fund)
2018: UoA FRDF Funding ($12,000) for the project "Sustainable and healthy eating: Food for a better tomorrow" (PI) (Faculty level fund)
2018: UoA SEED Grants for innovation in teaching ($5,000) for the project "Badges in higher education: Worthwhile intrinsic or extrinsic motivation" PI with Dr Felix Septianto and Dr Gavin Northey (University level fund)